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This document is about probability and linear equations. It provides several examples and exercises related to calculating probabilities of different events and solving linear equations in two variables. The document covers topics such as impossible events, the range of probabilities, and the relationship between income level and the number of children or vehicles in a family. It also discusses the concept of uncertainty and how it can be measured mathematically. Overall, the document aims to help readers understand and apply the principles of probability and linear equations in various scenarios.

Here are some sample questions
Q1. In a bag, there are 4 red marbles and 8 blue marbles. If a marble is drawn at random, what is the probability of drawing a red marble?

Q2. A coin is tossed 200 times and the following outcomes are observed: 23 times, 3 heads came up; 72 times, 2 heads came up; 77 times, 1 head came up; and 28 times, no heads came up. If the three coins are tossed again, what is the probability of getting at least 2 heads?

Q3. In a class of 90 students, the performance in a Mathematics test is listed as follows: 7 students scored 0-20 marks, 10 students scored 20-30 marks, 20 students scored 30-40 marks, 20 students scored 40-50 marks, 15 students scored 50-60 marks, and 8 students scored above 70 marks. If a student is selected at random, what is the probability that they scored at least 40 marks?

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